Sweet Tea Sunday 003
Well, I'm hoping you didn't notice but I forgot about my weekly sweet tea post last Sunday. But now that I've mentioned it...you're going to notice. Duh Britt. Anywho - let's make up for lost time. Grab your sweet tea and let's get to chatting.

First & foremost, Happy Mother's Day friends. It is my first Mother's Day and I plan to spend the day with my mama, grandma & sweet baby boy! My mama is making us a yummy lunch today - shrimp scampi and my mouth is watering at the thoughts of it. My sweet hubby & little one got me a HomeGoods & Starbucks date all to myself. Oh my y'all, mama can't wait to use that!
Last week, it was a good one. I turned 24 and celebrated my day well. How funny that birthdays turn into just another day when you get older and have a home & family to run still. But I still felt real special by my two guys. And - I'm leaving all my birthday cards out until I say I'm done celebrating. It's my birthday month and I can get if I want to. 😁
On a side note - can I just mention I kind of love living in a house full of boys? I'm kind of a big deal to them being the only gal living here. 😉

Speaking of birthdays though - I got to photograph a super special 7th birthday like no other. I can't share everything but I will share a little snippet of the cake! But guess what - My friend Lisa, co-founder of A Charming Fete, has a little sis biz called La Petite Fete where you can actually PURCHASE this darling party! Head to the website -> www.lapetitefeteshop.com (I photographed all them parties y'all! Woo hoo!) And once this party goes live on my other blog, I'll direct you friends over to it!
Now let's talk about that guest bedroom. Did you think I had given up and hoped you all would forget about it? I'm not going to lie, I'd thought about it. But I'm just really really bad about keeping you all posted on my updates. Eek, I know. But today is my LAST DAY to complete the room. LAST DAY FRIENDS. And needless to say, I've got a lot on my list I still need to accomplish by tonight. But y'all will give me a little grace if maybe it's not completed until tomorrow right...? Maybe...? Maybe not...? Well let me update you on the latest!
First off, I rearranged the room AGAIN. I just can't leave anything alone. Ever. So when it came time to add my "bedskirt" I thought, I'm going to change this around just *one more time* and I'm really glad I did. It seems more cozy in here rather than everything just shoved in and cramped.

It looks cramped in these phone pics but it looks a lot better than before. I promise.
Second, you are all wondering if I purchased the rest of my items I needed to finish the space. Well that you will have to wait until I reveal my room next week and see if I stayed within my budget.
Third, today I have to finish my headboard, create a wall art piece and finish styling the room. I really should be doing that now since Liam is napping but....here I am procrastinating...again. Story of my life friends.
Well friends, I know I sucked this week at blogging. I'm really trying to not. I actually purchased a website and then had to cancel it. Immediately. I'll fill you all in on why this week.
Well thanks for chatting with me for a moment on this special day! I hope all you mama's out there have a great day and enjoy it! See you later this week friends!

Just cause he's so cute. 😉