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Sweet Tea Sunday

Hello there Sunday evening. Oh how my body and my soul have been looking for you all week. You're the evening before a fresh new start. A new week and a fresh mind.

This week has been a long, challenging one. We've been dealing with a little one who wakes up at 3 AM every night and doesn't go back to bed until 6 AM. It's been tough especially since we were totally spoiled when Liam was first born sleeping 9-5! This mama is about to lose her mind. Up in here, up in here. (Sorry I had to, I'm slap happy. 😉)

Another challenge this week has been trying to get the house in order for some serious spring cleaning. The challenge is because I don't like to clean. You ladies feel me?

But a serious challenge - clothes shopping for this no-longer-high-school-pre-baby bod but for the mom bod I now have. Talk about feeling discouraged. Mama's, you know what I'm talking about? I think that first 'shopping excursion' after having the baby and no longer breast feeding, I had that moment. That this is now my body moment. It was tough. Not because I'm ashamed of the way I look. Y'all I pushed a little human out of me, give this mama some grace on how she looks. I think the struggle was not buying the low-rise jeans, tight tees, and the dreaded bathing suit. I now understand the importance of high waisted jeans. They are a saving grace. I'm now all #momjeansforlife. Hey, they have some really cute pairs friends!

Speaking of clothes, I made the decision to follow @CottonStem 's capsule wardrobe. This week ahead I'm purging & simplifying. Which also means, there's a garage sale in the near future. Like 1 week, future.

Alright, negativity time is over. Pour that glass of Sweet Tea friends and lets talk some good stuff. The plus side of this week - a new HomeGoods opened near me. It'll be a great mama getaway. I didnt get to check when I was there, but I'm crossing my fingers there's no service..that'll be a true getaway!

And my sweet baby turned 7 months old this week. That saying - the days are slow and the years fly by, what truth it holds. I get sentimental just thinking about it. Did I get enough pictures of him? Have I done avoid job so far as a mom? Do I read to him enough? The questions, fears and concerns never stop do they?

I worked a little on some DIY projects this weekend and I was pleasantly surprised with how they turned out! Better than I imagined! Isn't that the best?! It's making me SO excited to finish this room. I think I may retreat there more than the master bedroom!

We had our final Easter Dinner today with my side of the fam & I made a strawberry poke cake - it was delish if I do say so myself! I'm a baker friends, not a cooker! 😆

So that's my sweet tea wrap up. I think this may be my new thing to wind down for the week. Hopefully, y'all will enjoy. See you later this week! XO. 😊


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