$100 Room Challenge | Foyer Week 4
Hi friends! I'm late adding my post this week for the $100 Room Challenge! That flu bug just about knocked us all out over here. And we are slowly trying to get us all back to normal. And when I say slowly - I mean SLOWLY. This flu just had to come now, huh?! But this upcoming week, I will be doing my best to try and make up for lost time! And I've got a LOT left to do I feel! So let's talk about what I DID get done! Last week, you seen my updated front door, [ HERE ]. And if you remember back on week one, [ HERE ], you will remember I am participating in a contentment challenge that requires no unnecessary shopping for 90 days. What a perfect time to pick to do a $100 Room Challenge, right? ;) So this week, I started on painting my bench! And if I am going to be totally honest - all these years of DIY-ing, I have never distressed anything other than a picture frame! So im not sure that my technique here is the right way and I was too lazy to look into how to do it properly. Story of my life around here. :) So I gave my bench a quick stain with some leftover stain I've had on hand. It's a darker stain and sort of covered up all the permanent marker from the wedding. You can still see a little bit but not too shabby.

Once it dried, I gave the edges & crevices a swipe of Vaseline. Then I added on a layer of white paint I had on hand from a winter project with my sis swap group. It's just a can of paint that I grabbed off the shelves at home depot. The cheapest can they had. Nothing special. :) While that was drying, I gave my shelf too a quick coat of this white paint. I am still in the process of needing to find a light for in here. And by still in the process, I mean I need to actually go look and figure out what I am going to do. I've thought about climbing up there to see what it looks like under that frosted shade and if I could add a drum light shade to it and give it a little quick spray of spray paint. So I HAVE to get my booty moving on that to decide on that SOON! (<- This would be the cheapest option as it would cost me probably $0 since I have spray paint and an extra drum shade just lying around! I bought it and didn't realize it needed a finial at the top! 🤷♀️) I used the Houzz app again to get an idea of what it might look like with the drum light shade DIY! This is an idea of the possibility here!!

What do you think?? I'd love to have a lantern style pendant light in here really but if I can't come across something like that..This will be my next best option! 😊 Sorry this post isn't much this week. I just didn't get to do as much as I would have liked! So come check out my buddies who are all participating as well And see their lists of last minute to do's before the big reveals next week!! Hooray!! [CLICK HERE !]