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$100 Room Challenge Foyer | Week 2

Howdy buds! Here we are for week two of the $100 Room Challenge! You can read all about the room I chose and week one [HERE]. Last week I mentioned I inherited a church pew from my great grandma. Unfortunately, during tge process of getting it here, it was split in the middle and would never be able to be sat on, which was the whole point of having a seat to put shoes on or off upon entering or leaving our home! So I came up with a plan b! For our wedding, we used a bench as our guest book! It was a great idea in my head to use outside on our patio for extra seating until we had one, just one, person scribble out what they wrote and re wrote their well permenant marker..on the very top. So it was completely ruined and not very pretty anymore. So I thought about it and decided to paint the bench to make it usable and use it in the front entryway until one day I come across another church pew bench that isn't $1,000,000. 😊 But hey, at least this one has sentimental value too, eh? 😊  SO, with that being said, I would like to paint the bench white and give it a little distressing! I think this will help especially since I am going to need to do multiple coats to cover the permenant marker! (The bench is currently sitting in my parents garage because my little corolla couldnt carry it home 😉, hence the no pictures!) I LOVE the look of this entry way bench! The simplicity of the actual pieces & the coziness the accents bring in! 

Via: Country Living

As for my shelf, I'm debating on a color. I would love to paint it white and go for a total Liz Marie look like this below! 

Via: Liz Marie Blog

But I'm so wishy-washy. I have SERIOUS paint issues y'all. 😣 As for the rest of the space, I took down the mirror that was here and cleaned out the hall closet! That felt so good! Floors are all washed, ahhh.

I'm just waiting on painting the inside of the door until it gets a little warmer! We've been in the single digits and lower for a while now but this Thursday we are to have some 60° weather and I think that'll be the perfect time to get some painting done! I haven't hit the flea market yet (the weather has just been too cold for me!) So im not sure yet on the light but really looking forward to hoping to finding something! Fingers crossed!!! Not much new here but small progress is progress! Come see what all my blogger friends are doing this week for the challenge [ HERE ]! Talk soon! XX. 


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