My Thoughts on Contentment

Welcome back friends. Let's celebrate to making a whole week of sticking with my 3 blog posts! Hip, hip, hooray! 😉 So as you read earlier this week, I am participating in a contentment challenge, keeping me from purchasing unnecessary items for 90 days. [HERE] And coming from an avid shopper, it is tough. And it's only been 5 days. Luckily, I've had quite a bit going on these past few days to keep me occupied from going into the stores. So how am I keeping sane? From spending? From wanting to purchase all the things? To find happiness in life's everyday things? Here is my go to. Before starting the contentment challenge I made out a list of all the little things that make me happy ASIDE from spending money. I thought HARD about this one. Because there were many times I wanted to write, browsing the aisles at Target, getting a coffee from Starbucks, hitting the movies with my hubby. And please don't get me wrong, I find much more happiness in other things than just spending money! I am not a materialistic person who needs things to make her happy but I do get joy out of buying a new piece of decor for the house. But in order to recover after holiday spending and preparing for a one income home next year, cutting back on spending is so needed!! So please, don't get the wrong idea about me! LOL! So in my list, I had to write out ACTIVITIES to go to when I had an urge to head out to the stores. Here are a few from my list: Browsing the aisles of a library, spending time with my mom & grandma at their home, decluttering a mess (it is so therapeutic for me!), reading a book, rearranging furniture, & popping a bag of popcorn, snuggling under a blanket to watch a movie! I put this list in my calendar that I keep near by for a go to when I'm feeling like I need out!! And I think it is so important to make sure you DO get out of the house. Most certainly don't want to get cabin fever! I have included my list of go to's down below in case you would like to either participate in a contentment challenge yourself or are looking for non spending ways to do things to pass the time! Do you have anything else you would include on this list? Share with me below, I'd love to add some more to my list! Talk soon! XX.