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The Tale of a Bad Blogger Part II

Hi again friends! It's been a long time! I know. Hence the name to the blog title. Life just got so crazy with my photo business during it's busiest time and once again, the blog got thrown onto the back burner. But I'm trying *really, really* hard to change a few things here in the new year. My goal is to faithfully blog twice a week. Whether I have something pretty to share or not. So I hope you can all stick along with me and stay a while!!

While this post isn't much other than a Heyya, I'm still here I promise! - I am going to give you a little of what's to come in the new year and maybe just hopefully this month? I can't make no promises but I'll certainly give my best shot!!

With the blogging two times a week, I'm hoping to share a little more into my terrible, no good, very bad cooking. It'll give you all the giggles. A little bit behind the scenes of mom life as a full time business owner. Maybe even a few tips and tricks on camera goodness! I'll share more about the house. Like the areas I never show because they aren't "done". But at that rate, it could be years before you see them! ;-) And last but not least, a little bit of everything in between. I plan to participate in the $100 Room Challenge again. The areas in my home that NEED to be completed sometime soon would be my foyer/hallway closet, Master Bed, Master Bath, Master Closet, Laundry Room & the Office in the basement. <- That one is a MAJOR one!

Later this week I am participating in a real life, holiday house walk with a group of girlfriends that I will share all the details with you guys to do with your group of girlfriends because it is such a good time! I'll share our monthly craft swap for my crafty fellow friends as well!

Blogging is such an outlet for me when I'm about to lose my mind from a crazy, packed schedule. Or when I am up late at night because that's the only time mama's can get any alone time, AMIRIGHT?! So I thank y'all for who stick around and come back time and time again to see what is new, what is the same or to simply see if I've posted more than 5 times this year! :-)

Talk again soon! XX


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