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The Tale of a Bad Blogger

Alright, I'm declaring it. I'm a Bad Blogger. I've been in denial of this but let's face it, I just can't ever keep up with posting. Because I forget. Every day. Boo me. But I really do love to blog! So for those who come back every now and then to see what I'm up to - gosh do I love y'all. It may be an hour, a day or even a few months at this rate til my next blog post but I like to come in and surprise everyone at the last minute. 😉 It's just how I roll.

The summer months are just so crazy and jam packed full of a little bit of everything that blogging is left at the way bottom of my list. I like to think come September it slows down a bit but that's really when my life gets crazy! It's holiday this and holiday that, weekend after weekend and photo sessions through the roof. I swear I'm not complaining because this is my absolute favorite time of the year but my goodness, does it ever slow down?? I think we can all agree, no, it never slows down. 

So to add to that mile long list of things going on in my life, I'm going to add more crazy thing. I have been debating back and forth of attempting to do the $100 Room Challenge again here in September. At first I was like all "Yes! Let's do all the things!" And then I remembered it was my sweet boys first birthday this month and I have a lot going on with his party and photo sessions. But then I was looking into my living room and it lacks so much. So I've decided to go ahead and dive into the challenge. I mean I have a whole month to finish right? My oh my miss Britt. Why must you do this to yourself??

So for those who are new - what is the $100 Room Challenge you ask? My blogger friend Erin over at Lemons, Lavender and Laundry  created this challenge to transform a space with $100 & 4 weeks! There are a lot of other bloggers who are participating and week by week you will get to see their transformations! 

So let's talk about this living room. The layout is so odd to me. I mean it doesn't have funky angles or corners or anything but it's so rectangular and sterile. Let me show you what it looked like when we moved in.

It's just a rectangular box. Nothing special. But I had such a hard time trying to decide where the tv and couch should go without making the room seem so little. (Hey y'all, I'll take any suggestions on different layouts!) 

So currently this is how the room looks today.

It has furniture and baby toys. That's all. No decor. No warmth. And definitely no cozy. The only decor in the space is my bookshelf. (Not Pictured)

The only time it feels cozy is at night time when the lights add warmth to the space. So I need a little something something. Y'all know what I mean?!

So because the challenge is only $100 & 4 weeks, I don't have the finances to purchase large pieces of furniture and transform the ENTIRE room. But I figured I would focus on a MAJOR focal point and start the process.

I am choosing for this $100 Room Challenge to tackle my TV wall! It's the longest wall in the living room and could really use some TLC. I think once that is decorated, the rest of the room will begin to flow and start to take some shape. 

And I have loved Our Vintage Nest's TV wall for like ever. 

The warmness just draws me in completely. So I am going to try and re-create that look on a very tight budget. VERY TIGHY BUDGET. Because well remember, I've got a first birthday party I've been planning for the last year that's been breaking the bank over here. 

So here is my action list:

Figure out new TV stand.

Hang TV. Somehow.

Find a lamp.

Create/purchase wall art.

Decorate TV stand.

Make cozy.

My action list is small but mighty. We have a TV stand upstairs in my hubby's man cave that he doesn't use that might make it's way down. So that would be a HUGE budget helper. But I'm not opposed to shopping some thrift stores for a dresser that could be repurposed. Hanging the tv is where I think my budget will get me. Wish me luck y'all.  

Here are my other blogger friends who are transforming their spaces for $100! Take a little peek! 


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