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$100 Room Challenge | Week Three

Um guys, I know I say this every week, but every week I am thinking the same thing..HOW DID THIS WEEK PASS ME BY AGAIN?!

I can't believe we are coming to a quick end on the $100 room challenge! And I am definitely not near the end! Looks like I've got a lot to do this weekend! 😣 But let's take a little look into where we are now!

So first things first - the beadboard wallpaper. I think I am going to do a little review on this after the challenge is over. I kind of love it, I kind of hate it. But I finished the whole room and then ripped a few panels off to redo because I didn't see the darn glue bubbles the first time! Grr! It's just 2 panels, however, one needs tons of intricate cuts. But now that I feel like a pro - it should be easy peasy. (I hope!)

Once the beadboard is finally finished, I will get to install the molding that will go along the top where I can then screw in my towel hooks! And above the toilet seat, that beadboard will get a picture railing as well to sit an assortment of picture frames! 

This week I'm not going to lie, hasn't been very productive. I've had too many photo shoots going on, a wedding coming up that I'm the maid of honor for, and well a family keeps me pretty busy too! But this weekend I have nothing on my to do list other than get this bathroom DONE! 

I've been 'shopping' my house finding the perfect items to place into the bathroom and while I've got quite the collection going so far, there is still a few things I need to purchase. For example:

A shower curtain. I have my eye on one in Target. But I'm not 100% certain. I really am thinking of DIY-ing it.

My cabinet pulls. I know which ones I need, it's just a matter of picking them up!

My vanity light shades. This one also again will be easy peasy, its just a matter of getting my tush around to do it!

Other decor. Bath rugs, towels, towel hooks, picture frames. Simple enough right? Let's hope.

*Update*: Alright so I forgot to mention, I did do a little thing for the bathroom! I needed pictures to fill my frames so I did a little photo shoot with my sweet babe! Here are a few contenders of what I'll be throwing into the picture frames!

Gosh he's so cute, I just love him so! 😉

So let me give you a break down of what I've spent so far:

Paint: $0 (Had from previous bathroom extravaganza!)

Beadboard Wallpaper: $20

Photographs: $0 (Until I print them, thinking around $5)

Total Spent: $20

Budget Remaining: $80 (<-Awesome Sauce!)

I wish I had more to share on what was completed. I just stunk this week. Boo me! Want to see how all my other blogger friends are doing on their makeovers? Click  here  to take a peek!


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