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$100 Room Challenge | Week Two

Wait, how did the week just pass by?? Stop, stop - I need to go back a few days and catch up! Hey, don't we all? 

Can I just first off say I am so excited, I get a babysitter today for a few hours so I can work. Not just in between naps, after cleaning up breakfast or lunch, changing diapers, picking up toys, letting the dog out, shoveling food down my throat, cleaning bottles and getting 2 minutes to work. I get like a good solid 3 hours to actually work. I never understood why parents loved babysitters so much. I'll never question it again..

Back to week two friends. I have made some progress! Let me show you!

1. I painted the bathroom! Woo hoo! Major step one! But so far one of my bigger tasks was getting the room painted and it's finished however, I was being lazy and didn't tape the ceiling so I have some ceiling touch ups to do. Always one step forward and two steps back, am I right?! But I chose to paint the room Sea Salt by Sherwin Williams because a) I already had the paint on hand so it cost me nothing for the room - WIN - and b) I feel like the color can either be masculine or feminine & sophisticated or playful depending on how you dress it up or down! DOUBLE WIN.

2. I applied beadboard wallpaper to the bottom portion of the walls. (Still have to finish one wall!) Reading the reviews online, it seems to work well in bathrooms (mildew & moisture) and super easy to apply. One woman said she was in her 70's and applied it all by herself! SOLD. 😉 But that 70 year old woman must have been a professional wallpaper-er because I'm having a love hate relationship with it right now. It looks great once it's up but not my favorite thing to do.

3. Above the beadboard I am going to do a simple "chair rail" trim that will also be the home for some new hooks for towels because I'll be the first to say, I hate hanging my towels on a towel rack. Why? Because it's too much work and I'm a mama on the move. (Or you could just say..lazy?? Hehe) 

I'm trying so hard to not make it too girly for little Liam. (Mama loves her pink and frills y'all.) But in the mean time, i dont want to waste any time so I am going to be getting a few DIY projects completed for the space. That includes, wall art, painting a stool and making my shower curtain.  All that this gal plans to do while the babysitter is here! Woo hoo!! 

I promise to document what I do get done to share the steps with you my friends! Want to see how my other friends are doing on their challenges? Click here to take a little peek! See you soon! XXX

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