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Sweet Tea Sunday 005

Hi all! Happy 4th of July 'weekend'! Oh it truly feels like summer when the 4th rolls around. But then it also feels like summer is coming to a quick end too. It's bittersweet.

Yesterday we hosted family over for some fireworks and food to celebrate the fourth. Our neighborhood goes a little wild with their fourth of July partying. I'm talking they hire a DJ, set off a wonderful display of fireworks and have multiple bounce houses and pools going for family and kids to enjoy! So Nick and I took advantage of it and hosted some family and really got to experience our first real party at the house. And let me say - it worked out wonderfully being able to have people inside and out since our house is on the tinier side inside. I learned a few things for the next gathering but I'm thinking our home is going to have to be a summer entertaining home. And that is totally fine by me. :)

Today has been a clean up and rest kind of day and the t.v. hasn't been on once and let me tell you - it's so nice it being so quiet. I'm thinking we may need to make this a Sunday rule. Do you have rules for on the weekends? Like no phones, tv, social media, etc? Tell me, because I may be late to the game but I'm thinking I'll love this rule in the long run!

I start my $100 Room Challenge this week and boy am I excited. I can't wait to tackle the guest bathroom because it really needs some loving and I really am itching to do a little project. 

Well friends, today's post is short and sweet but at least I am trying to get back into blogging more often. I swear I really do try! ;-) Cheers friends!

P.S. Didn't this Americana shelfie turn out cute? :-)


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