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I Can't Help But Think..

Of the next room I'm going to take on! Hehe! I'm half way through the guest bedroom and I have been slacking on posting the update for in there this week, I'm just waiting to get a moment to take pictures! There are never enough daylight hours in a day! Don't y'all agree?!

But before I tackle another room, the guest room must be finished in time for the challenge! I won't make a promise I can't keep! I just have to create the headboard and decorate! Simple. Kind of. But I'm a procrastinator. So it's not simple. LOL!

Once I finish the guest room, I'll be sharing with you all my sweet little guys nursery. It's finally finished but clothes need to be put away and you all know how that goes. Or maybe it's just me. But putting clothes away are the death of me. I just don't understand why put them away if I'm going to take them RIGHT BACK OUT. It's a never ending struggle. 😉

But I've been pondering back and forth all the rooms in the house of what to complete. The logical thing to do would be the downstairs because those are the rooms that everyone sees and we use them every single day. However, I want to complete them correctly and that requires more mula that mama just don't have. You other mama's feel me? So I'm choosing a room upstairs! And since I just did a bedroom I want to do something a little different. So, I'm choosing our guest bathroom! 

We use this bathroom to bathe Liam in all the time and a lot of our guests use this bathroom because they don't want people listening to them go potty in the bathroom off the kitchen. UNDERSTANDABLE. It's much like that glade or febreeze commercial that talks about the basement bathroom being the fave bathroom in the house. Ours is our upstairs guest bath! 😆 

So my challenge is to create a kid & guest friendly bathroom! Something that's fun for Liam and sophisticated for our guests! Hmm. Decisions, decisions. Once I start the challenge, I will share my inspiration design board with you guys! But let's take a little peak at what the bathroom looked like prior to us moving in!

Your typical builder grade bath. Laminate countertops, flooring and bathtub surround. And because we live in a typical suburban development made for first time home buyers, there are some things in our home we simply will not upgrade due to no return investment. But because this will be our home for at least the next 9 years, I want it to feel more custom and not to development-y. You guys still feel me on that one too? So on top of the challenge of making it adult AND Liam friendly, mama has to make it feel high end with what she has. 

I will keep the challenge the same as the guest room. $100 in 4 weeks. And let me tell you, the guest room has been a challenge for that small budget. But I'm going to be real with y'all for a sec. 

Nick and I make enough money for us to be comfortable. We aren't starving but we can't buy anything we want whenever we want. We are your typical newlywed, first time parents. We spend all of our money on Liam's food, diapers and alcohol. Because that's how we have made it through. LOL! But in serious-ness friends, I know a lot of you are in the same boat. Some months the money is better than the other. And those months, mama gets to see starbucks a lot more often. 😉 So with all that being said, a room makeover for $1,000 just isn't in our budget. We wish it was, but it's just not. And once you guys see the room transformation, yall will not believe what I did for $100. A brand new room you guys. 

Once it's time for the challenge, I will go into more detail about what I plan on doing in the space and the things I have to buy. If you follow my Pinterest, you are getting some glimpses into what I'm thinking! 

So my blogging friends, thanks for reading this long random -ish post. Hehe. I'll see you again later this week! XO.


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