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24 Things in 24 Years

Birthdays are a beautiful thing, aren't they? A day to eat cake and friends & family celebrating you being a special gift to the Earth. 😉 I love birthdays. They just make a day so magical. So in honor of my birthday today, I'm going to share 24 things I have learned in my 24 years.

1. Life is so very short. Jump into life with both feet always.

2. Love everyone around you well.

3. Forgive always & quickly. Holding a grudge does nothing for you in this life.

4. But just because you forgive someone doesn't mean you have to be friends again.

Remember that.

5. It's a good thing to say no. No to extra work, no to negativity, no to social media, no to comparison.

6. Reading is the cheapest escape. You can travel just about anywhere through a book.

7. Do travel when you have the opportunity. Explore this wonderful world.

8. The best things in life ARE free. Baby snuggles, kisses from your hubby, belly laughs with your mama.

9. Being a mama is hard work, but the best work you can be gifted.

10. Marriage is a team effort. Work as a team always and remind each other of your love always.

11. If you don't document every single moment, it's OK! Cherish the moment.

12. Chase after those dreams. Even if you fail, learn from your mistakes and ALWAYS try again.

13. For everything, there is a season. Hard times will come and go.

14. Embrace those hard times. They'll make you enjoy those good times even more.

15. The dishes can wait. Family time can not.

16. Everything you read on Facebook, isn't always so. Never compare their good times to your bad.

17. Cake & cookies are always the answer to a bad day.

18. Savor every minute of that hot cup of coffee.

19. Rome wasn't built in a day & neither will your home. Love every stage and step of making it a home.

20. Flowers are a quick pick me up. So is a trip to Target. 😊

21. Remember to pray and thank God always for the blessings in your life, big & SMALL.

22. There's always tomorrow.

23. Babies grow faster than we want them to. And remember, the days are long but the years are short.

24. And lastly, be sure to always love yourself too. 💙

Cheers to 24 friends!


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