Mommy & Me
I love looking back at pictures of my parents before I was born, when they were first married and when they first became parents. It's something so sentimental to me. Maybe because I'm a photographer myself or now that I'm a mama and I know how important it is to me to capture my sweet little boy grow every day. So when I came across the chance to do some mommy & me photos with my little one, I jumped at the chance. Well - let's be real. My first thoughts were "Oh! Pictures of my baby!". And then once I booked it, I thought what most mama's think -"Oh! I have to be in those! Crap!". I am just not a selfie kind of gal. I prefer to be behind the camera rather in front of it. And I know my own mama feels the same way but I know how I feel about seeing pictures of my mama with me and I just love them so I did them for my boy.

I'm in love with this sweet baby. So, so, so in love. He has made both Nick and I's life just something so much more than we could have ever thought it could be. And y'all, I can't believe how quickly this 7 months has gone by. Like I'm pretty sure I was just getting ready to give birth last week right?!

And might I add - those green pants he is wearing deserved a little photo shoot. I found the cute little ensemble from Target! (#Targetforthewin !)

Oh Liam, you will never understand my love for you until you have children of your own. And just know, that love grows deeper and bigger every single day.
Thank you friends for reading today's post which is a little different than the norm home post. But I will be back later this week with more on my guest room transformation and how week one is going! See you friends! XO.